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Facilities Use

Gower District 62 facilities are a community resource owned and operated by the Board of Education primarily for the education of the children in the District. The Board will consider providing the community with space for educational, civic, cultural, recreational, or charitable or other meetings and programs when such requests do not interfere with the school program or school-sponsored activities. The Board, however, may refuse to allow use of its facilities for any meetings, programs, or activities that may be disruptive, violative of the rights of privacy of others, obscene, vulgar, or indecent. In all cases, the use of District facilities for school purposes has precedence over all other uses.
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The District facilities will be made available six months prior to the onset of the activity or event on a first-come, first-served basis within the prioritized category of users listed below.

Facilities Use Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
GW BIG GYM- MDW Elite- 5-9pm
GW SM GYM- BR Youth Sports
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-DYC Vball - Old Gym
Tuesday, January 28
GW BIG GYM- MDW Elite- 5-9pm
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-BRPD Bball Old Gym 7-9pm
Wednesday, January 29
GW BIG GYM- MDW Elite- 5-9pm
GW SM GYM- BR Youth Sports
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-DYC Vball - Old Gym
Friday, January 31
GW- Big Gym- Tennis Titans
GM-DYC Vball - Old Gym
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Monday, February 3
CHESS scholars (in the small gym)
Small Gym
GW BIG GYM- MDW Elite- 5-9pm
GW SM GYM- BR Youth Sports
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-DYC Vball - Old Gym
Wednesday, February 5
GW BIG GYM- MDW Elite- 5-9pm
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-DYC Vball - Old Gym
Thursday, February 6
GW BIG GYM- MDW Elite- 5-9pm
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-BRPD Bball Old Gym 7-9pm
Friday, February 7
GM-DYC Vball - Old Gym
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
CHESS scholars (in the small gym)
Small Gym
GW BIG GYM- MDW Elite- 5-9pm
GW SM GYM- BR Youth Sports
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-DYC Vball - Old Gym
Tuesday, February 11
GW BIG GYM- MDW Elite- 5-9pm
Wednesday, February 12
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-DYC Vball - Old Gym
Thursday, February 13
GM-BRW Softball-New Gym
GM-BRPD Bball Old Gym 7-9pm
Saturday, February 15
Sunday, February 16
Saturday, February 22
Sunday, February 23
Saturday, March 1

Priority 1: District-Related Organizations

Any group affiliated with the District whose sole purpose is to support District programs, such as the PTO or Gower Foundation for Excellence in Education.

Priority 2: District-Related Youth Organizations and Government Agencies

a. Groups whose membership is made up of at least 90% District 62 students, such as Girl Scouts, Brownies, Boy Scouts, etc., and
b. Local government agencies, such as Park Districts, police/fire departments, DuPage Election Commission, and other District taxpayer supported entities.

Priority 3: Community Youth Organizations

· Little League and traveling youth sports teams whose participants include at least 50% Gower residents
· Youth organizations whose membership includes at least 50% Gower residents

Priority 4: Community, Civic, Service, and Social Organizations/Community Youth Organizations/Religious Organizations

· Organizations and groups that serve the Gower community, such as Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Rotary Club, religious organizations, homeowner associations, etc. or whose membership includes at least 25% Gower residents.
· Youth organizations described in Priority 3 but whose membership does not satisfy the requirements stated in Priority 3.

Priority 5: Other Groups

​Any ​other ​f​or-profit organization, business group, companies, etc.